Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Scribe Post for September 10, 2008

Big news of the day:

Donuts and Smith got an A in her class.


In class essay on Friday! Writing an essay comparing Oedipus and your Life. Choose one of three topics on Friday. Think of connections between you and Oedipus for homework.

Due next Wednesday: Group project, modernizing a scene from Oedipus. Modern context that is creative and captivating. Make it fun! You can video tape it before hand or you can perform it live. Please do not read off of notecards. You need one central prop, have an introduction so you can introduce the idea. Everyone has to have a part. You must turn in a “playfolio” have to explain how you chose your scene, let her know wardrobe, make it pretty, all group members’ names and their parts. This is worth 150 points, about the same as an in-class test. This is VERY IMPORTANT!

Go to google docs. 5 Comments due Friday

Final copy of your college essay due Monday

On Friday Ms. Lewallen is going to come in and talk to us about scholarships. For teacher recommendation letters fill out personality profile if you haven’t already.

Goal for today: Find group, pick scene, eat donuts

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