Thursday, August 21, 2008

Scribe Post for August 20, 2008

Welcome to English Lit!
Today we met Ms. Smith, she's pretty awesome. We went over the seating chart and also signed up for scribe dates. Scribing is when one person takes notes on what we went over during the day and posts them on the class blog for the people who were absent.
Ideas/Suggestions for the Scribe Post:
  • Post:
    • any homework
    • any notes during the day
    • Main Points of any discussion
    • In class work
    • upcoming test dates
    • any changes (Put in Bold writing)
    • Information for tests
    • upcoming important dates
    • who is the next scribe
  • It should be posted by 9pm that night
  • You can include something fun (ex. jokes, games, videos, pictures, etc.). Be appropriate
We also signed up for...DONUT DAYS! Every Wednesday of the semester someone is signed up to bring donuts or another treat to class because we do have english during 4th hour and the treats will make everyone happier. She handed out 3 college essay papers for us to read and that will help us with our homework. Ms. Smith told us what to expect for the semester. We will be reading Oedipus first. This is one of Ms. Smith's favorite books but it annoys her how stupid Oedipus is. If you would like to buy your own copy of the book please have it by Friday. Next will be Beowulf. If we're lucky or bribe her we may be able to watch the movie. After that The Canterbury Tales. Both Beowulf and The Canterbury Tales are in the big class book so she suggests that we just copy the pages so we don't have to lug a huge book around. Last we are reading Hamlet which is Ms. Smith's favorite to teach. Yes, we get to watch movies. Our final is Inquiry based, meaning that we will be working on a main question all semester. The question is, "What is a Hero?" To end the first class we all got assigned to our laptops and set up blogger accounts and were given a chance to start on our blog responses.

  • For Friday: Go to Ms. Smith's webpage and print out Class Expectations. Get it signed and bring it back. Have your parents e-mail Ms. Smith ( and also e-mail her from your account. If you don't already have a Blogger account please set one up ( For a display name please use First name, Last initial then graduation date. Have your school supplies. This is a laptop class so you can get a mouse and USB drive if you want. Blog response to "This is NOT education as usual". Write your College Essay. It can't be longer that one and a half pages, size 12 font, double-spaced, with your name and title at the top. This College essay is about a crossroads in your life. To clarify, a time in your life where you ever had a really hard decision that you had to make. Read your college essay handouts and find one idea that you read that stuck out to you and type it on a piece of paper. Make it big enough to read but also make it pretty.
Now a picture of the conquering hero of the Olympics:
Look at those abs.

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