True beauty is undefinable. What is beautiful to one person may not be to another person. The saying goes "beauty comes from within" for some, this means your inner person and personality. For others this means from the inside of a makeup bag, from inside the bottles of foundation and compacts. Exterior beauty is something that differs among cultures-some value largeness, light skin, dark skin all sorts of traits are considered beautiful. Not everyone agrees upon people they find attractive, why? Because we all look different, we all ARE different, so we all like different things and others will find those things about us to their liking, beautiful. People need something to aspire to, the unattainable beauty, but really, the majority of the people we aspire to look like have drug addictions, eating disorders, plastic surgery and ugly personalities. Clearly, it can't all come from within, so perhaps we should just let beauty come as it may and enjoy what our eyes find pleasing as long as we can.
Beauty, as defined by the dictionary is "the quality present in a thing or person that gives intense pleasure or deep satisfaction to the mind". I agree. When people see someone or something that is beautiful, it is usually one quality or another that plays to their personal visual satisfaction. However, everyone's perceptions of beauty is what is different. Someone who might be incredibly attractive to one person, may have little or no effect on someone else. That is why I think true beauty lies within. People show themselves to the world in their own way, each shedding and sharing their own light. Their spirits and hearts are what shines through, which is why surface beauty can often be dulled if the inner beauty is unkempt or nonexistant. People's souls shine through their skin, and that is what is so attractive to others. Though their face or body may be beautiful, the true beauty, what lies within the body, is what ends up being remarkable.
My view of beauty is probably very different from most of the world. Though beauty may be subjective I think it all comes back to Jesus Christ. I think we can find beauty in every person if we give them a chance to show it/search for it ourselves. As for exterior beauty, I think every person has a unique beauty that is theirs to offer, especially if they have accepted who they are. If there was a man who only wanted to be himself, he would be the most different person in the world, and I think this would give them beauty that anyone can attain but very few do. I think that the beauty America aspires to in supermodels and movie stars can capture our eyes but can never capture our hearts. Oscar Wilde said, “No object is so beautiful that, under certain conditions, it will not look ugly.” I think we can find beauty in the way we choose to live our lives and in what we do with ourselves. I think that ultimately beauty comes down to the cross and the grace given to us from such a sacrifice. Beauty is pure, honorable, and beauty is the glorification of God.
This is a hard question. I think that true beauty is anything that makes you want to just sit and enjoy it. Think of what people hold in the highest respect, we flock to go see "art" like landmarks and views, sculptures and remarkable things that we have achieved. However, I think that true beauty goes deeper than just outward appearances, at least in people. For a person, I think that true beauty is shown through their actions and how they interact with other people. A truly beautiful person thinks of others more than themselves, doesn't give in to "worldly" things, like becomeing obsessed over appearances and always looking to please. To go along with Hailey and Jordan said, another trait of a beautiful person is that they are unique, themselves, and not afraid to show it.
I think true beauty is very complicated to scale and actually have a definition because it is different from person to person. Some people may think that true beauty is complete looks and the beauty in the appearance in the person. But even with that are they looking at people with make up on are are they truly looking at the true beauty of what God gave them. True beauty can be personality and what is behind the skin of a person. That is what is so nice beauty is seen different from person to person. Every person sees beauty in a different way and I think when a girl or someone wears a lot of make up their vision of true beauty is complete looks. I think that true beauty is one with a great personality and god given beauty.
True beauty isn't really something that can be defined. It varies from person to person's own viewpoints. I also think that it is something that no one really knows how to look for so the beauty that the media has created is there to synthesize true beauty in a way that everyone can see. So now with this created fake beauty, one can define true beauty, the complete opposite of plastic surgery, make up and dyed hair.
I believe beauty is split up into two categories: Inner and outer beauty. Our society has built up the importance of outer beauty so much that no one looks for inner beauty anymore. For me, inner beauty is way more important than outer beauty. What makes up truly beautiful is the way we act, feel, and view life. Those who take the most out of life and can find beauty in even the ugliest things are beautiful people. As far as good looks goes, they can only get you so far in life. As you grow older you lose those looks but inner beauty lasts a lifetime.
I agree with Lauren that the beauty within things/people is the most important and the "true beauty". What matters most is on the inside of people. Good looks do not matter if the person on the inside is a jerk. True beauty is in someone who has all the best qualities of a person such as kindness and selflessness. When people have good hearts, that is true beauty.
True beauty does not have a real definition. Everything and everyone in some way as a quality or characterisic that someones enjoys. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. There is not a definite person place or thing that has been defined as true beauty therefore it can not be defined.
Beauty can be based entirely on the beholder but I think we create our own true beauty. We are animals and more often it comes down to survival of the fittest. What we perceive as true beauty, which can apply to outer and inner beauty, depends on what we allow our society to label "acceptable."
Beauty is different for everyone, but I think that beauty has layers. When you first look at someone, you can see if they are "good looking" or not - this is all dependant on who is the onlooker. However this kind of beauty is superficial, and just the start. As you start to get to know someone and begin to peel of the layers, beauty becomes apparent. As Hailey said, beauty can be found in anyone if you just look for it. Some people may not be the best people in the world, but I truly believe that everyone has something beautiful, no matter how small, to offer. True beauty comes from a person trying to be the best they can be, and trying to see beyond the needs of themselves.
In my opinion, true beauty is a combination of many things. I think it is the ability to put others before you, and to help others in need. I think true beauty comes with acceptance and knowledge; I believe that people who really give an effort not to judge others are beautiful. True beauty will never be found in those who are arrogant and selfish. We are all on this planet together for some unknown reason, therefore true beauty is unity. As is common knowledge, unity is not an easy thing to attain. Hence, true beauty is a very rare thing.
To me true beauty isn't what a person looks like, but who a person is. A beautiful person is someone who treats themselves, and others with respect. Someone who is them self all the time. Someone who is compassionate, and loving. Beauty is only skin deep, looks are wasted if someone doesn't have the personality to go with them. To me beauty really is in the eye of the beholder, and those who want to see beauty see it. It is something buried deep within a person not just glowing on the outside. Everyone is beautiful in their own way, whether they choose to show it or not is the question.
I believe strongly in the classic theory of beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I agree with this because of how are we are as people. Every one has their own opinion for every little detail. Some one or something can think something of one and another person will see it completely opposite. So It is just that, ones opinion or outlook towards anything. The eye of the beholder.
It is really all about perspective, to transfer the thought of beauty from one individual to another is absolutely priceless, and to find true beauty in your own life is to seek bliss, but this loops around once again to the original question: what is true beauty? As construed to the many and the powerless of America, we can truly delineate the fact that our vision of 'beauty' is quite obscured due to the media, Hollywood and overall a concept of beauty that is only superficial. Beauty to me seems to be only that of wealth in mind, spirit, and happiness.
True beauty is in love. I just know that when I see people who know how to love and be loved, not just to people that like but just living a life of love, I think they are beautiful. That's all there is to it for me, love is beauty, beauty is love
You can see in the difference in all of our comments that our definitions of true beauty vary. There are similar beliefs but beauty will always be viewed differently by different people. For me, it doesn't matter if the person is gorgeous or looks like a model. Personality's are what make someone truly beautiful. The girls who are covered in make up and look like they are painted up like a doll aren't truly beautiful. That beauty is artificial because they had to cover their true appearance to be beautiful. Everyone is beautiful as god made them. They don't need to cover their insecurities with flashy clothes and make up. Those who are comfortable enough with their true appearance and don't have a fake/artificial personality are truly beautiful to me.
Beauty is a difficult thing to define, because there are simply so many perceptions of it. outward beauty, inner beauty, functional beauty, ect. all types of beauty have use and merit, and it depends on each individual person as to which type is most important. so it is my personal belief that there is no True Beauty, because beauty can be found in all things. one may see a hideous cuckoo clock and say it is not beautiful but a clockmaker may look at it as not a decoratiuon but as a mastery of engineering. two different views of beauty. true beauty lies in the sight of the beholder, there is no common ground.
True beauty is undefinable, as its definition is as varied as the faces on this planet. While beauty may be found in each and every one, a different definition of the word may lurk between the ears. My definition of true beauty is anything sensibly appealing. Beauty serves no practical function to us, its usefulness is found through its stimulation. Beauty inspires positive thought. It is what makes a composer write a song or a poet author a poem. Beauty is not an adjective, its a noun, a tool that is used in the creation of everything good and pleasing.
I think that individuals define "true beauty" differently. I know for me, I define it as the "beauty within." I feel like true beauty is not outer appearance. I think it can be beautiful, but for it to be truly beautiful it has to be beautiful on the inside. We are all individuals and that is where our true beauty comes into play and for people that is usually within them. I think that for something or someone to be defined as truly beautiful depends on the person as we all have differing views and opinions.
I think that there is really no good way to define beauty, it is this way because of the famous quote "beauty is in the eye of the beholder". There are so many beautiful things in the world ranging from butterflies, to rainstorms, to love. True beauty is usually in my opinion not what is on the outside but what is on the inside. If it is true beauty, many people who use surgery and make-up to amplify their own beauty are not a part of it. they tried to make themselves beautiful. But beauty is natural and it must come from within.
True beauty is not something that can be defined. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. True beauty can be found inside someones soul and within their personality. True beauty is not based off of looks or how much work someone has done to their body to look "beautiful". I cant find a way to define beauty because every person has a different idea of what is beautiful. In my eyes true beauty is some found in someone that is true to themselves and their beliefs. Also they are not fake and someone who is honest and shows who they really are to the world.
I believe true beauty is viewed differently for everyone. It can be a magnitude of different things but to me it is when you instantly spark a positive emotion from observing or experiencing something. It is beauty in the purest form. I believe it is when you can love the flaws just as much as the perfection, the bad as much as the good and the down as much as the up. It is true beauty when it appeals to everything you love making it have no flaws seen through your own eyes. I don’t believe true beauty is constant because people have different emotions and experiences which define their life and the way they interpret their own world. True beauty can be anything from an experience, to a sunset, to a personality, seen through a painting, felt through love and everything in between. It is something or someone that sparks a great feeling or vibration.
Without a doubt true beauty is a matter of perspective what may be beautiful to one person is absolutely disgusting to another. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. The only thing in my mind that sets true beauty apart from beauty is that it is not false. It genuinely shows the person or object for what they are. There are no false impression and attempts to change how people view the person or object. I honestly believe that beauty can be found in any object in any form. Even if something doesn't fit the mold there is no reason why something about the object can't still be beautiful. I believe that underlying and ever present beauty is true beauty.
True beauty is undefinable. What is beautiful to one person may not be to another person. The saying goes "beauty comes from within" for some, this means your inner person and personality. For others this means from the inside of a makeup bag, from inside the bottles of foundation and compacts. Exterior beauty is something that differs among cultures-some value largeness, light skin, dark skin all sorts of traits are considered beautiful. Not everyone agrees upon people they find attractive, why? Because we all look different, we all ARE different, so we all like different things and others will find those things about us to their liking, beautiful. People need something to aspire to, the unattainable beauty, but really, the majority of the people we aspire to look like have drug addictions, eating disorders, plastic surgery and ugly personalities. Clearly, it can't all come from within, so perhaps we should just let beauty come as it may and enjoy what our eyes find pleasing as long as we can.
Beauty, as defined by the dictionary is "the quality present in a thing or person that gives intense pleasure or deep satisfaction to the mind". I agree. When people see someone or something that is beautiful, it is usually one quality or another that plays to their personal visual satisfaction. However, everyone's perceptions of beauty is what is different. Someone who might be incredibly attractive to one person, may have little or no effect on someone else. That is why I think true beauty lies within. People show themselves to the world in their own way, each shedding and sharing their own light. Their spirits and hearts are what shines through, which is why surface beauty can often be dulled if the inner beauty is unkempt or nonexistant. People's souls shine through their skin, and that is what is so attractive to others. Though their face or body may be beautiful, the true beauty, what lies within the body, is what ends up being remarkable.
My view of beauty is probably very different from most of the world. Though beauty may be subjective I think it all comes back to Jesus Christ. I think we can find beauty in every person if we give them a chance to show it/search for it ourselves. As for exterior beauty, I think every person has a unique beauty that is theirs to offer, especially if they have accepted who they are. If there was a man who only wanted to be himself, he would be the most different person in the world, and I think this would give them beauty that anyone can attain but very few do.
I think that the beauty America aspires to in supermodels and movie stars can capture our eyes but can never capture our hearts. Oscar Wilde said, “No object is so beautiful that, under certain conditions, it will not look ugly.”
I think we can find beauty in the way we choose to live our lives and in what we do with ourselves.
I think that ultimately beauty comes down to the cross and the grace given to us from such a sacrifice. Beauty is pure, honorable, and beauty is the glorification of God.
This is a hard question. I think that true beauty is anything that makes you want to just sit and enjoy it. Think of what people hold in the highest respect, we flock to go see "art" like landmarks and views, sculptures and remarkable things that we have achieved. However, I think that true beauty goes deeper than just outward appearances, at least in people. For a person, I think that true beauty is shown through their actions and how they interact with other people. A truly beautiful person thinks of others more than themselves, doesn't give in to "worldly" things, like becomeing obsessed over appearances and always looking to please. To go along with Hailey and Jordan said, another trait of a beautiful person is that they are unique, themselves, and not afraid to show it.
I think true beauty is very complicated to scale and actually have a definition because it is different from person to person. Some people may think that true beauty is complete looks and the beauty in the appearance in the person. But even with that are they looking at people with make up on are are they truly looking at the true beauty of what God gave them. True beauty can be personality and what is behind the skin of a person. That is what is so nice beauty is seen different from person to person. Every person sees beauty in a different way and I think when a girl or someone wears a lot of make up their vision of true beauty is complete looks. I think that true beauty is one with a great personality and god given beauty.
True beauty isn't really something that can be defined. It varies from person to person's own viewpoints. I also think that it is something that no one really knows how to look for so the beauty that the media has created is there to synthesize true beauty in a way that everyone can see. So now with this created fake beauty, one can define true beauty, the complete opposite of plastic surgery, make up and dyed hair.
I believe beauty is split up into two categories: Inner and outer beauty. Our society has built up the importance of outer beauty so much that no one looks for inner beauty anymore. For me, inner beauty is way more important than outer beauty. What makes up truly beautiful is the way we act, feel, and view life. Those who take the most out of life and can find beauty in even the ugliest things are beautiful people. As far as good looks goes, they can only get you so far in life. As you grow older you lose those looks but inner beauty lasts a lifetime.
I agree with Lauren that the beauty within things/people is the most important and the "true beauty". What matters most is on the inside of people. Good looks do not matter if the person on the inside is a jerk. True beauty is in someone who has all the best qualities of a person such as kindness and selflessness. When people have good hearts, that is true beauty.
True beauty does not have a real definition. Everything and everyone in some way as a quality or characterisic that someones enjoys. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. There is not a definite person place or thing that has been defined as true beauty therefore it can not be defined.
Beauty can be based entirely on the beholder but I think we create our own true beauty. We are animals and more often it comes down to survival of the fittest. What we perceive as true beauty, which can apply to outer and inner beauty, depends on what we allow our society to label "acceptable."
Beauty is different for everyone, but I think that beauty has layers. When you first look at someone, you can see if they are "good looking" or not - this is all dependant on who is the onlooker. However this kind of beauty is superficial, and just the start. As you start to get to know someone and begin to peel of the layers, beauty becomes apparent. As Hailey said, beauty can be found in anyone if you just look for it. Some people may not be the best people in the world, but I truly believe that everyone has something beautiful, no matter how small, to offer. True beauty comes from a person trying to be the best they can be, and trying to see beyond the needs of themselves.
In my opinion, true beauty is a combination of many things. I think it is the ability to put others before you, and to help others in need. I think true beauty comes with acceptance and knowledge; I believe that people who really give an effort not to judge others are beautiful. True beauty will never be found in those who are arrogant and selfish. We are all on this planet together for some unknown reason, therefore true beauty is unity. As is common knowledge, unity is not an easy thing to attain. Hence, true beauty is a very rare thing.
To me true beauty isn't what a person looks like, but who a person is. A beautiful person is someone who treats themselves, and others with respect. Someone who is them self all the time. Someone who is compassionate, and loving. Beauty is only skin deep, looks are wasted if someone doesn't have the personality to go with them. To me beauty really is in the eye of the beholder, and those who want to see beauty see it. It is something buried deep within a person not just glowing on the outside. Everyone is beautiful in their own way, whether they choose to show it or not is the question.
I believe strongly in the classic theory of beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I agree with this because of how are we are as people. Every one has their own opinion for every little detail. Some one or something can think something of one and another person will see it completely opposite. So It is just that, ones opinion or outlook towards anything. The eye of the beholder.
It is really all about perspective, to transfer the thought of beauty from one individual to another is absolutely priceless, and to find true beauty in your own life is to seek bliss, but this loops around once again to the original question: what is true beauty? As construed to the many and the powerless of America, we can truly delineate the fact that our vision of 'beauty' is quite obscured due to the media, Hollywood and overall a concept of beauty that is only superficial. Beauty to me seems to be only that of wealth in mind, spirit, and happiness.
True beauty is in love. I just know that when I see people who know how to love and be loved, not just to people that like but just living a life of love, I think they are beautiful. That's all there is to it for me, love is beauty, beauty is love
You can see in the difference in all of our comments that our definitions of true beauty vary. There are similar beliefs but beauty will always be viewed differently by different people. For me, it doesn't matter if the person is gorgeous or looks like a model. Personality's are what make someone truly beautiful. The girls who are covered in make up and look like they are painted up like a doll aren't truly beautiful. That beauty is artificial because they had to cover their true appearance to be beautiful. Everyone is beautiful as god made them. They don't need to cover their insecurities with flashy clothes and make up. Those who are comfortable enough with their true appearance and don't have a fake/artificial personality are truly beautiful to me.
Beauty is a difficult thing to define, because there are simply so many perceptions of it. outward beauty, inner beauty, functional beauty, ect. all types of beauty have use and merit, and it depends on each individual person as to which type is most important. so it is my personal belief that there is no True Beauty, because beauty can be found in all things. one may see a hideous cuckoo clock and say it is not beautiful but a clockmaker may look at it as not a decoratiuon but as a mastery of engineering. two different views of beauty. true beauty lies in the sight of the beholder, there is no common ground.
True beauty is undefinable, as its definition is as varied as the faces on this planet. While beauty may be found in each and every one, a different definition of the word may lurk between the ears. My definition of true beauty is anything sensibly appealing. Beauty serves no practical function to us, its usefulness is found through its stimulation. Beauty inspires positive thought. It is what makes a composer write a song or a poet author a poem. Beauty is not an adjective, its a noun, a tool that is used in the creation of everything good and pleasing.
I think that individuals define "true beauty" differently. I know for me, I define it as the "beauty within." I feel like true beauty is not outer appearance. I think it can be beautiful, but for it to be truly beautiful it has to be beautiful on the inside. We are all individuals and that is where our true beauty comes into play and for people that is usually within them. I think that for something or someone to be defined as truly beautiful depends on the person as we all have differing views and opinions.
I think that there is really no good way to define beauty, it is this way because of the famous quote "beauty is in the eye of the beholder". There are so many beautiful things in the world ranging from butterflies, to rainstorms, to love. True beauty is usually in my opinion not what is on the outside but what is on the inside. If it is true beauty, many people who use surgery and make-up to amplify their own beauty are not a part of it. they tried to make themselves beautiful. But beauty is natural and it must come from within.
True beauty is not something that can be defined. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. True beauty can be found inside someones soul and within their personality. True beauty is not based off of looks or how much work someone has done to their body to look "beautiful". I cant find a way to define beauty because every person has a different idea of what is beautiful. In my eyes true beauty is some found in someone that is true to themselves and their beliefs. Also they are not fake and someone who is honest and shows who they really are to the world.
I believe true beauty is viewed differently for everyone. It can be a magnitude of different things but to me it is when you instantly spark a positive emotion from observing or experiencing something. It is beauty in the purest form. I believe it is when you can love the flaws just as much as the perfection, the bad as much as the good and the down as much as the up. It is true beauty when it appeals to everything you love making it have no flaws seen through your own eyes. I don’t believe true beauty is constant because people have different emotions and experiences which define their life and the way they interpret their own world. True beauty can be anything from an experience, to a sunset, to a personality, seen through a painting, felt through love and everything in between. It is something or someone that sparks a great feeling or vibration.
Without a doubt true beauty is a matter of perspective what may be beautiful to one person is absolutely disgusting to another. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. The only thing in my mind that sets true beauty apart from beauty is that it is not false. It genuinely shows the person or object for what they are. There are no false impression and attempts to change how people view the person or object. I honestly believe that beauty can be found in any object in any form. Even if something doesn't fit the mold there is no reason why something about the object can't still be beautiful. I believe that underlying and ever present beauty is true beauty.
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